Tired of those 'toy' hockey nets? We can help with that!

  • 8U - ADM Kids 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • ADM 8U 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • ADM 8U 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • ADM 8U 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • ADM 8U 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • ADM 8U 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • 8U - ADM Kids 48 x 36 Ice Hockey Goal
  • 48" x 36" 8U ADM Ice Hockey Goal, one piece welded, 2" Intermediate/Junior  style

48" x 36" 8U ADM Ice Hockey Goal, one piece welded, 2" Intermediate/Junior style



Model# JR48OPW
Professional grade hockey net
 One Piece Welded 
Powder coated red frame
White interior & lacing optional 

24" deep base flares out 
Skate Guard Skirting included!  

2" steel face, .149 thick, SCH40!   Weighs  56 pounds
This is the same steel we use on our NHL style goals  
Same 600# netting as arena goals

ADULT SLAP SHOTS no problems!  - Finest in the industry!
USA Hockey's ADM  8U size. 
Online ordering not available
      Please e-mail chris@arizonasportsequipment.com,
or call for best shipping rate and quantity discounts 

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