Tired of those 'toy' hockey nets? We can help with that!

Hockey Arena Safety Netting

Sold by the foot from a 10' roll, or in select sizes.

White nylon netting, #15 (.120"-120#test) 1 5/16" square sides (2 5/8" stretch) . . . Cut 10% large. U.V. treated for long life. Used above the glass in arenas. Superior net to monofilaments and polyethylenes. Much heavier than traditional #7 netting.

  • Use above the glass, across a garage doorway, in the trees, etc.
  • Helps contain errant pucks
  • Netting only

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Arena Safety Netting- 10' the length you choose


Arena Safety Netting- 10' x 9'


Arena Safety Netting- 10' x 10'


Arena Safety Netting- 10' x 20'


Arena Safety Netting- 10' x 40'


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Golf Netting - 12 x 20 feet


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