Tired of those 'toy' hockey nets? We can help with that!

Mini Mite Goals 36" x 24"

USA and Canadian Hockey's ADM 6U, 6-and-Under (mite). 

Tough enough for adult play with ice hockey pucks! Styled just like the arena models. Every goal features a top shelf, center support bar, radius curved base, arena netting and skirting.

Portable Goals 
Require initial assembly, then are quickly dis-assembled and store just six inches high. Same quality steel , netting and skirting as the other goals. 

Tournament Goals 
Require initial assembly. These feature a white interior and red goal face and wire welded loops around the perimeter. Same netting and skirt as the arena goals.

One Piece Welded Goals 
An even heavier welded version of the Tournament goals

36" x 24" 6U Hockey Goal, Tournament style, 1 3/8" Mini-Mite size


36" x 24" 6U Ice Hockey Goal, 2" Mini-Mite Tournament style


36" x 24" 6U Ice Hockey Goal, One Piece Welded, 2" Mini-Mite size


36" x 24" ADM 6U Ice Hockey Goal, one piece welded, 2-3/8" Mini-Mite size


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